Saturday, June 4, 2016


"Benevolent Ganesh" (9-4-14 008v3a) has been hanging around since Ganesh Chaturthi of 2014. I'm choosing to post it today as I could use His help getting out of my own way. (One of Ganesh's most well-known titles is "Remover of Obstacles.") I also like this pic of one of my figurines, but as usual, with some reservations. I did fuss at it a bit trying to improve it, but to no avail. This Ganesh wants to be as He is. BTW, Ganesh is usually depicted with four arms. This Ganesh has only two, which means He was probably made in Indonesia where He's often depicted with two arms.

NOTE: In most browsers you can click on a photo to view a larger version. There are many more photos posted here than show at any given time in this left-hand column. See the Archives listing (below “Previous Posts”) in the right hand column. And here’s the link if you wish to read an Introduction, Background, & Technical Aspects post about this blog.

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‘til next take, may you enjoy life in the ever changing light,

[aka: Patricia Kelly] **** Patricia’s dreams & poetry blog; and if you wish to copy or use any of her writing or photos, please email her for permission (under “View my complete profile”) ****

Friday, June 3, 2016


"Sundowner Wind" (4-8a-15 003v6) was just tortured this morning from an old pic. (To see another more realistic version also made from that same source pic, click here.) I probably most like the colors in "Sundowner Wind," and what to me looks like motion from the upper right to the lower left. BTW, this is probably best viewed in a larger size as there's a bit of detail in it, so click on the image if you're interested.

NOTE: In most browsers you can click on a photo to view a larger version. There are many more photos posted here than show at any given time in this left-hand column. See the Archives listing (below “Previous Posts”) in the right hand column. And here’s the link if you wish to read an Introduction, Background, & Technical Aspects post about this blog.

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‘til next take, may you enjoy life in the ever changing light,

[aka: Patricia Kelly] **** Patricia’s dreams & poetry blog; and if you wish to copy or use any of her writing or photos, please email her for permission (under “View my complete profile”) ****

Thursday, June 2, 2016


"Gift from the Dark" (4-8a-15 003v3), yeah, enough of ferns, already, you well might say! Too bad, this is my blog and I love ferns, especially this particular one. And how am I supposed to resist taking pix of it when I past it at least twice a day!

NOTE: In most browsers you can click on a photo to view a larger version. There are many more photos posted here than show at any given time in this left-hand column. See the Archives listing (below “Previous Posts”) in the right hand column. And here’s the link if you wish to read an Introduction, Background, & Technical Aspects post about this blog.

* * * *
‘til next take, may you enjoy life in the ever changing light,

[aka: Patricia Kelly] **** Patricia’s dreams & poetry blog; and if you wish to copy or use any of her writing or photos, please email her for permission (under “View my complete profile”) ****

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


"Embryonic" (11-24-15 053vb2c) is one of those only a mother could love (if you'll pardon the pun on the title). It's from an old pic, just morphed this morning with a couple other versions. In a way, it really does feel like an embryo in that I've still not quite developed what's calling to me in these shapes and lines. And maybe can't; it's begun to go a bit wonky from the many layers of editing. So I'm leaving it at this version for a post today. BTW, I see a dragon emerging in that tangly red-green-goldish shape. I even thought to give the pic a name that had something to do with The Feathered Serpent of Mayan mythology, but decided I liked the embryo reference more.

NOTE: In most browsers you can click on a photo to view a larger version. There are many more photos posted here than show at any given time in this left-hand column. See the Archives listing (below “Previous Posts”) in the right hand column. And here’s the link if you wish to read an Introduction, Background, & Technical Aspects post about this blog.

* * * *
‘til next take, may you enjoy life in the ever changing light,

[aka: Patricia Kelly] **** Patricia’s dreams & poetry blog; and if you wish to copy or use any of her writing or photos, please email her for permission (under “View my complete profile”) ****

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


"How the Ferns See It" (11-27-15 007v6f) is from a folder of old pix, not that new folder I've been working in so much. But it is of a most favorite subject of mine, ferns, like those in the new folder. I'm not all that jazzed about this pic, but I'm rather loopy and a bit sad today so I'll stop trying to improve it, and resist the urge to move on to another photo I'll probably feel equally "meh" about. What's that expression? Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over, hoping for a different outcome?

NOTE: In most browsers you can click on a photo to view a larger version. There are many more photos posted here than show at any given time in this left-hand column. See the Archives listing (below “Previous Posts”) in the right hand column. And here’s the link if you wish to read an Introduction, Background, & Technical Aspects post about this blog.

* * * *
‘til next take, may you enjoy life in the ever changing light,

[aka: Patricia Kelly] **** Patricia’s dreams & poetry blog; and if you wish to copy or use any of her writing or photos, please email her for permission (under “View my complete profile”) ****

Monday, May 30, 2016


"Patterning" (5-28-16 005v4c) was just morphed today from one of those fern pix I've been working on so much since taking them a couple days ago. Lots of fussing is underneath this final result and it was a fun journey. BTW, the title is not only an obvious reference to the patterns, but to a form of physical therapy of the same name. I.e., "...physical therapy especially for neurological impairment based on a theory holding that repeated manipulation of body parts to simulate normal motor developmental activity (as crawling or walking) promotes neurological development or repair.." This because nerves are suggested to my imagination by the lines/shapes of this fern and its shadows. (Best viewed in a larger version, so if you're so inclined, just click on the image.)

NOTE: In most browsers you can click on a photo to view a larger version. There are many more photos posted here than show at any given time in this left-hand column. See the Archives listing (below “Previous Posts”) in the right hand column. And here’s the link if you wish to read an Introduction, Background, & Technical Aspects post about this blog.

* * * *
‘til next take, may you enjoy life in the ever changing light,

[aka: Patricia Kelly] **** Patricia’s dreams & poetry blog; and if you wish to copy or use any of her writing or photos, please email her for permission (under “View my complete profile”) ****

Sunday, May 29, 2016


"Rococo" (5-28-16 005v9a) is from a brand new pic, and just completed this morning: cropping, color and contrast work, diffusing, and sharpening (after first converting to black and white), but those curlicues are from nature and the original pic. This folder of pix is filling rapidly with version after version of the various shots I took of this fern. It's such fun to work with its shapes. What isn't fun is all the distracting schmutz that shows in the background. What I go through trying get rid of it without having to endlessly Paint it over by mouse! And without messing with those wonderful fern shapes and shadows. BTW, to see the curlicues better, click on the image for a larger version.

NOTE: In most browsers you can click on a photo to view a larger version. There are many more photos posted here than show at any given time in this left-hand column. See the Archives listing (below “Previous Posts”) in the right hand column. And here’s the link if you wish to read an Introduction, Background, & Technical Aspects post about this blog.

* * * *
‘til next take, may you enjoy life in the ever changing light,

[aka: Patricia Kelly] **** Patricia’s dreams & poetry blog; and if you wish to copy or use any of her writing or photos, please email her for permission (under “View my complete profile”) ****