Thursday, October 13, 2011


Welcome! Today starts my switch from a daily post to a weekly one on Thursdays. So, the next post here will be in a week ...

OK, here's another example where my associative eye may be getting me into trouble. "Warbling" looks so much to me like long-necked baby birds trying to sing. I also enjoy all those repeated visual long curves, the textures, and colors. (The colors, by the way, are only slightly "saturated" by computer to bring them out a bit more.) And last but not least, I took "Warbling" in that favorite stand of canna lilies on our grounds. The warblers above are the seeds left after the bright orange blooms are gone. Here's a photo of some in that same stand of cannas in full bloom this past June, titled "Yawn!":

I have mixed feelings about "Yawn!" Though haven't deleted it yet as it gives me a chuckle when I look at it.

NOTE: In most browsers you can click on a photo to view a larger version. And here’s the link if you wish to read an Introduction, Background, & Technical Aspects post about this blog.

* * * *
‘til next take, may you enjoy life in the ever changing light,

[aka: Patricia Kelly] **** If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or photos, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”) ****

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Here's the photo I've cooked up for today (bad pun ...). Don't know what's going on, but I rarely look at a picture of mine these days without seeing something that needs to be done to it. In the case of "A Hearty Stew" I cropped the edges today. And I may yet "paint" out that one very slim green stem sticking straight up, just right of center, out of the bowl. Then there's those fiddle fern leaves in the upper left, they may be a bit too yellow. Sigh.

* * * * PLEASE NOTE * * * *
This daily post will become a weekly one, starting Thursday, October 13th. That is, I will be posting once a week only, on Thursdays, instead of every day for the foreseeable future. For some time now I’ve had other creative projects and many pragmatic ones limping along for lack of attention, and some hanging fire all together. To prevent an implosion or avalanche, I’ve decided to post only once a week. This will free up considerable time on six mornings a week for other pursuits. Of course, I'll continue to take and edit photos. (One of those projects limping along is completing the cleaning out of my extensive and constantly re-filling "needs editing" photo category.)

See you Thursday!

NOTE: In most browsers you can click on a photo to view a larger version. And here’s the link if you wish to read an Introduction, Background, & Technical Aspects post about this blog.

* * * *
‘til next take, may you enjoy life in the ever changing light,

[aka: Patricia Kelly] **** If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or photos, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)****

Monday, October 10, 2011


"Angling" is another photo that just pleases that eye, way in the back of my mind. I can just imagine some neural net in my brain with bits of unconscious memories jumping up and down in it going "Yay!" What can I say? Well, at least that I hope you enjoy something about it, too.

I've probably stressed this here before, but it may bear repeating. When I indicate that one of my photos pleases me or that I'm particularly attached to it or fond of it this does not mean I think it's a great or even good photo. Just that it does something for me personally.

NOTE: In most browsers you can click on a photo to view a larger version. And here’s the link if you wish to read an Introduction, Background, & Technical Aspects post about this blog.

* * * *
‘til next take, may you enjoy life in the ever changing light,

[aka: Patricia Kelly] **** If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or photos, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)****

Sunday, October 9, 2011


There's something charming about these little cacti, at least to me. That's why I'm posting this picture today. That, and a need to post a less "artsy" one for a change. Well, I also have to admit I'm feeling rather prickly today, so I'm sure that's an influence, too.

The odd thing is I can't recall how those wheel-like ones look from a side-on view, if much different at all. In my defense this photo is two years old and I haven't noticed one of this type of cactus on our grounds recently. That's not to say they aren't here, just that I've not been as "photo hungry" as I used to be. I do still glance at everything I pass, but something has to grab me intensely or the camera stays in my purse. Think this is partly due to my on-going energy and time consuming project of editing or deleting photos as my computer is still over-loaded. (Not to mention I just don't like an awful lot of my old pictures.) At least I'd like to think this is the major influence in how few photos I'm taking these days. And not that vague feeling I have that I've lost my way ... just what am I doing with all this photography and what is it worth, even to me? And my tech skills suck (what's worse, I just can't get myself to do anything about improving them). Ah, well, I did start this post saying I felt prickly today ...

NOTE: In most browsers you can click on a photo to view a larger version. And here’s the link if you wish to read an Introduction, Background, & Technical Aspects post about this blog.

* * * *
‘til next take, may you enjoy life in the ever changing light,

[aka: Patricia Kelly] **** If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or photos, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)****