Saturday, August 24, 2013


The Roan (8-2-10) is an old photo just re-worked for today's post. It's clearly been through the photoshop mill in which I layered many filters, and re-layered some several times. It was completed in MS Picture Manager where I fooled extensively with the colors, contrast, saturation, mid-tones and so on. I'd blame it on my advancing cataracts that I "see" the profile of a roan horse suggested in this. But I know it's just my imagination which has been "seeing" things everywhere these days, and especially in the forms in my photos. (Hm, reading Jung's Red Book can bear a part of that "blame." All his stress on active imagination; which comment is only partly a joke.)

NOTE: In most browsers you can click on a photo to view a larger version. There are many more photos posted here than show at any given time in this left-hand column. See the Archives listing (below Previous Posts) in the right hand column. And here’s the link if you wish to read an Introduction, Background, & Technical Aspects post about this blog.

* * * *
‘til next take, may you enjoy life in the ever changing light,

[aka: Patricia Kelly] **** If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or photos, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”) ****

Friday, August 23, 2013


Hatching Memories (8-20-09) was just reworked today from a four year old photo. I'm seeing the hazards here of heavily editing my oldest lower pixel count photos. And reducing the size for web-posting degraded the quality of the picture a little more. However, that's what I'm left to live with and I still like this photo. I'll chalk it up to experience and take it as a caveat when chasing something through layers of editing in my oldest pictures. Oh, suggestion: click on the photo to view it in a larger version; it does come across somewhat better bigger.

NOTE: In most browsers you can click on a photo to view a larger version. There are many more photos posted here than show at any given time in this left-hand column. See the Archives listing (below Previous Posts) in the right hand column. And here’s the link if you wish to read an Introduction, Background, & Technical Aspects post about this blog.

* * * *
‘til next take, may you enjoy life in the ever changing light,

[aka: Patricia Kelly] **** If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or photos, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”) ****

Thursday, August 22, 2013


After the Flood (8-4-13) is a new photo just edited today. It's actually only one of several versions, three of which I'm posting here today. I just love playing with those fern patterns. "After the Flood" is, at least so far :-D, my favorite version.

The Frost Next Time grabs me mostly because of its colors. But it also raises memories of some beautiful wintery sights when I was living back east.

Automatic Writing is my least favorite, however, I do like the emphasis on all the lines. And don't the ends of some of the fern branches look like pen nibs?

BTW, these haven't been as heavily photoshopped as one might think. There's one function called "Glowing Edges" that pretty much set the stage for all three of these above. Then I worked on each in MS Picture Manager; changing the colors, saturation, and contrast, and increasing or decreasing mid-tones, etc.

NOTE: In most browsers you can click on a photo to view a larger version. There are many more photos posted here than show at any given time in this left-hand column. See the Archives listing (below Previous Posts) in the right hand column. And here’s the link if you wish to read an Introduction, Background, & Technical Aspects post about this blog.

* * * *
‘til next take, may you enjoy life in the ever changing light,

[aka: Patricia Kelly] **** If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or photos, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”) ****

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


The Ghost in the Machine is a new photo (7-28-13), just edited for the second time this morning. Another "meh" picture with just enough pull from it to post it today. In this instance of a "meh" vote on my part, I think it's just the see through effect of the flower petals to which I'm drawn. It might even be totally the title. As once the name occurred to me I was off on the trail of inner meaning. Reading Jung's "Red Book" is really stirring up the natives.

NOTE: In most browsers you can click on a photo to view a larger version. There are many more photos posted here than show at any given time in this left-hand column. See the Archives listing (below Previous Posts) in the right hand column. And here’s the link if you wish to read an Introduction, Background, & Technical Aspects post about this blog.

* * * *
‘til next take, may you enjoy life in the ever changing light,

[aka: Patricia Kelly] **** If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or photos, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”) ****

Monday, August 19, 2013


Mirror Mirror on the Wall is a new photo, just edited this morning. It's the third version I've made from the original (which is of looking down on a little garden from an overpass). Although as I recently reaffirmed here I want this blog to be about photography and not my inner process (I have my dreams & poetry blog for the latter) it's sometimes difficult to keep them separate. More and more I'm letting what I do with photos be an expression of an unconscious process. It's true that almost all my photos are influenced unconsciously and I only know how when something shows up in some way on my screen. However, that has become an almost over-riding tendency in the past few months. For instance, this photo went through various crops and color combinations and filters and tentative titles (one was "Migraine") before it landed here. That "here" is when I saw a melting mirror on the wall and off I went haring after the "meaning" of that. And I have got something by the tail now as a result of working with this picture.

I give fair warning that I've also started reading a text only (unfortunately it's all I could afford) version of Jung's Red Book. So this process may only intensify. (If you do a Google Image search for Jung's Red Book you'll see why I wish I could afford the illustrated book.)

NOTE: In most browsers you can click on a photo to view a larger version. There are many more photos posted here than show at any given time in this left-hand column. See the Archives listing (below Previous Posts) in the right hand column. And here’s the link if you wish to read an Introduction, Background, & Technical Aspects post about this blog.

* * * *
‘til next take, may you enjoy life in the ever changing light,

[aka: Patricia Kelly] **** If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or photos, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”) ****

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Shadows & Reflections is a new photo, just edited. I like it, but am not really all that content with it. I guess it's obvious it's a bit "overworked." Whenever I try shots of this cherub, or any statuary in our gardens, I have a difficult time of it. They are among so many trees, bushes, plants that cast such intriguing shadows ... what to emphasize, what to cut out, what to change ... then there's always one or two distracting elements in just the wrong place for any crop I like that's too much, say, to just "paint" out ... 'tis a puzzlement. Seems both my initial "eye" for taking a shot and then my photoshop skills really need some development. All that said, I still sort of like this picture.

NOTE: In most browsers you can click on a photo to view a larger version. There are many more photos posted here than show at any given time in this left-hand column. See the Archives listing (below Previous Posts) in the right hand column. And here’s the link if you wish to read an Introduction, Background, & Technical Aspects post about this blog.

* * * *
‘til next take, may you enjoy life in the ever changing light,

[aka: Patricia Kelly] **** If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or photos, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”) ****